Pochette Metis Replica, Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis Replica Review


Pochette Metis replica Dreampurses

Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis was first launched in 2012 and by 2014. It was considered a classic piece from the LV. This proved to be the bag for a long time thereafter. In the coming years, it was all around and everyone was desperate to take their hands on this popular bag. And it was near to impossible to get one for a while particularly in monogram and reverse monogram. Although I was madly in love with this masterpiece coming out of the creative hands of the LV artisans. Still, the price tag reading around $1800 was too much for me to spend over a bag.

This was the time when I considered opting for the LV Pochette Metis replica instead of the original one. The decision turned out to be a blessing. Now after spending more than a year with my Pochette Metis replica. I am all set to share my experience with you guys on the best replica reviewing site DreamPurses. I picked Dream Purses to publish my review as this is probably the single online review site that publishes completely honest replica reviews.

Before I start, just to mention, I bought my Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis replica from the PerfectImitation. And buying the replica from the site was quite a smooth experience. It was a matter of just a few days before I got my favorite bag at my doorstep. The customer service team remained intact throughout the process and it was all accomplished before I realized it. Let’s have a keen inspection of my Pochette Metis replica.

Material of the LV Pochette Metis Replica

To begin with, I loved the Epi Shiny leather of the replica bag. I was immensely nervous about the quality of the material as it is the first thing that can reflect the fakeness. And obviously, I never wanted a bag that meant to be with me for a few months.

Pochette Metis replica from PerfectImitation

Pochette Metis replica full review

When I got the bag, I was amazed to see the quality of silver-lined black leather and the internal and external monogram leather. Its durability was probable but not sure. But after one year of its use, I can say that the quality of the material is fairly comparable to the original bag. there are only a few mild unnoticeable scratches over the skin. The same is true for metallic material. The metal used for the padlock, double gold keychain, shoulder strap, and other metallic details is original and of good quality. Even the microfiber interior lining is quite appreciable when it comes to quality. In short, I can give 10/10 to the Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis replica.

Feel of the Bag

Pochette Metis replica side viewPochette Metis replica Handle

I have had my hands-on various Louis Vuitton handbags in real life both in the boutiques and in the wild too. When I drew my fingers across the sin of the bag, it had the same little bumpy feel that the original Louis Vuitton Replica bag has. My Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis smells purely of leather and I am more than sure that the feel, smell, and stature of the bag can confuse the sales department at the Louis Vuitton Boutique.

The precision of the Design of Pochette Metis Replica

Pochette Metis LV Made in France

Pochette Metis replica LV stamp

There are a lot of details in the designer articles and most of the replica vendors don’t pay enough attention to all the details and thus fail to replicate them with precision. I surfed multiple websites and read hundreds of reviews for the possible replication discrepancies and figured out the things that are often missed by replica producers. Then compared my LV Pochette Metis Replica with them, which turned out to be EXACTLY the same. I think myself to be extremely lucky to come across the Perfect Imitation for my first replica purchase. Like their name, they imitate perfectly. Every minimalistic detail right from the parameters of dimensions to the padlock, interior pockets, heat stamps, artisan codes, and zippers, etc. is imitated with perfection. At least, I was unable to find a single design difference between my Pochette Metis replica and its original counterpart.

Crafting of the Bag

Pochette Metis replica reviewPochette Metis replica inside

Stitching- another significant factor for a replica to match with the authentic. I have seen LV Pochette Metis replicas on the internet. Most of the reviews were to complain about the alignment and spacing of the stitches. PerfectImitation seems to have well-trained artisans-as they claim- who made the stitches with hands that look symmetric, all aligned, perfectly slanted, and equally spaced. This stitching gives the bag an obvious clean and tidy look. When I see the overall look of the bag I Moreover, the stitches are strong and durable. They have double stitched the places that are to be more prone to damage. There are no torn seams till now and I hope to have none in the near future too, as I have already used the bag frequently enough.

Level of Customer Service

I was never impressed this much with the level of communication by any vendor before. Perfect Imitation has an active customer service team that responds 24/7. And as I mentioned before, they kept me updated with the purchase process.

Price to Value

For me, the LV Pochette Replica lived up to the expectation and I am really satisfied with what I got against only $416. Also, I want to mention that the delivery was free. As they commit to deliver free all across the globe. The bag is elegant as well as practical. Its interior is split into three compartments that make the organization of the thing easy. Being a professional lady, I can carry only a few essentials with me all the time in this bag.

Although, it is natural for me to get bored with things this bag proved to be an exception. In regular one-year use, I didn’t feel like taking anything else with me other than this bag. The precise replication, high quality, and perfect stitching by the Perfect Imitation is the reason why this bag always top up against others when I open my closet. I am sure, if you opt to buy your replica Louis Vuitton m40780 Pochette Metis Replica from PerfectImitation, you would never think to visit any other replica vendor for your future purchase.

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Although, it is natural for me to get bored with things this bag proved to be an exception. In regular one-year use, I didn’t feel like taking anything else with me other than this bag. The precise replication, high quality, and perfect stitching by the Perfect Imitation is the reason why this bag always top up against others when I open my closet. I am sure, if you opt to buy your LV Pochette Metis Replica from Perfect Imitation, you would never think to visit any other replica vendor for your future purchase.Pochette Metis Replica, Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis Replica Review