Best Chanel Replica Bag – Full Review

I’ve got a new replica Chanel bag in ultimate quality, and I’m here to review it today. As you’ve probably seen in the title, it’s the red lambskin Chanel medium double flap bag SHW. Before heading any further, I should make clear immediately that I’m not an expert on Chanel or Chanel products by any means. Therefore, this review has been compiled based on my own opinions plus the hours and hours of online research I’ve completed.

Chanel Bags Replica Quality vs Authentic

Chanel Medium Double Flap Bag Red Lambskin – Ultimate Replica Version

Red Lambskin Chanel Medium Double Flap Bag – Ultimate Replica Version

Talking of research, I went from website to website (and even braved the snobby Purse forums!) so I could learn more about Chanel quality and the authentic products. Also, I should note that this was actually an impulse buy. Am I becoming more mature in my tastes as I age? I never thought I would be interested in a Chanel flap, but I just LOVED the look of this one online.

After seeing it, I sent a message over to my friend Ellis at As well as placing an order, I wanted to utilize the new customer discount. We emailed for a while, I told him that I wanted a high-quality 1:1 fake, and the order was placed soon after. Here are my thoughts!

Where I Bought this Chanel Replica Flap Bag?

As mentioned previously, I actually bought the bag from and paid around $556. Thankfully, they accept payments through PayPal which made everything easier (it allows you to buy the bag with peace of mind!).

In terms of the order itself, it was quite fast, and this is something I experience often with this seller. We first exchanged emails on 9/5 and this is when I decided to order too. Four days later, it was shipped and then it reached me five days after that. By 9/15, I would have had the bag in my possession, but I was out of town, so I had to wait. Finally, I was able to pick it up and start unpacking on 9/24.

As long as you are home when the first delivery is attempted, you won’t have to wait long for the package at all. Compared to other sellers, CovetedPurse is competitive and I highly recommend choosing them.

How Accurate Can Fake Chanel Bags Be? (10/10)

First and foremost, for those worrying about choosing a replica, I want to talk about the accuracy. After my extensive research on authentic Chanel bags, I know all about the flat diamond quilting so was more than happy when the copy nailed this feature perfectly. Next up, I know some of you will be concerned about the Chanel logo stamping inside the bag. Fortunately, the knock off bag is strong again here. Both the font and the stamping itself look fantastic, and it’s as thick as the authentic bag.

Chanel logo stamping inside the bag

In terms of shape, it matches the original and the flap works just as it should. Of course, this is a handmade piece, so the alignment is off microscopic amounts but it’s still good. Finally, what about the CC turnlock? I think the CC turnlock and turnlock flap are excellent. Not only is the turnlock flap the right size to match all modern classic flaps, the CC logo is in the right place not to raise suspicion.

The fake Chanel flap bag has perfect shape

The fake Chanel flap bag has perfect shape

The CC logo, CC turnlock and turnlock flap are excellent and matching to the authentic

The CC logo, CC turnlock and turnlock flap are excellent and matching to the authentic Chanel flap bag

The CC logo, CC turnlock and turnlock flap are excellent and matching to the authentic

The CC logo, CC turnlock and turnlock flap are excellent and matching to the authentic Chanel flap bag

Ultimately, this is a brilliant replica Chanel bag. Even with the coloring, it matches the authentic version, and this is a common theme with Chanel bags on CovetedPurse. If you look at the reviews online, the bags are always complimented for accuracy…and I agree.

Why This Chanel Bag Replica is HIGH QUALITY? (10/10)

I know what you’re thinking, ‘why do CovetedPurse bags always have 10/10’ for quality. There’s a reason; because the bags really are the best quality I’ve seen. Soft yet sturdy, the leather feels great and there’s a sheen and puffiness to it. There’s no hydroxy fufu, but it smells like leather and it doesn’t need any conditioning.

By my count, there are ten stitches per quilt. As for the hardware, it’s a silver color and it has a nice weight. I’ve only had the bag for a short while, but I’m confident it will stay in good condition (without chipping) for some time to come. The pockets are accessible, the bag has been made carefully, and the leather doesn’t have the plastic-like feel that many ‘leathers’ have.

best replica Chanel bag has perfect details

best replica Chanel bag has perfect details

Unfortunately, I didn’t like the slight squeaking that the chains make when moved around. Yet, this isn’t just a problem with the copy designer handbags, it’s actually an issue with the authentic version too and it’s something I saw mentioned more than once on Purse forums. Given the many problems the authentic designer bag has, I think the quality of this Chanel replica is second to none.

best replica Chanel bag with perfect chain

Best replica Chanel bag with perfect chain

perfect replica Chanel

perfect replica Chanel

Customer Service and Communication (10/10)

I love buying from Ellis not just because of the quality of the products but because of the customer service I receive each and every time. He’s responsive, kind, and always willing to help. His English is strong, and the ordering process is simple. As mentioned earlier, I paid through PayPal and this really helped considering I couldn’t pay through Western Union.

I’ve said it before, but I wouldn’t hesitate to use Ellis for absolutely anything I needed in the future.

Why Am I Satisfied with this Chanel Medium Flap Replica?

With all things considered, I couldn’t be happier with my investment. When spending hundreds on a fake designer bag, you need to be sure of the quality and accuracy. As we’ve seen in this review, I was extremely happy with both. It feels and smells good, the leather is actually very soft, and the whole thing is timeless. I’m certain I will still have occasion to use the bag in ten years just as much as I do now. And is the best place to shop online for the best quality replica Chanel bags, and they have many more designer bags if you ask.

Sadly, the authentic version has all sorts of issues from poor alignment to twisted chains to messy stamping. The fact that you can get a replica with most of these problems fixed for a fraction of the price is sure to put a huge smile on the face of many. I can’t wait to take my Chanel flap bag around with me for many years to come!

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